Our Approach

The BRAINBox Solutions™ multi-modality approach aims to aid clinicians with diagnosis of mTBI and provide information regarding the likelihood of symptoms post injury.

Our approach includes blood biomarker panels that are available on both a point of care instrument and standard laboratory systems, as well as neurocognitive testing.

Our goal is to provide objective evidence of injury and a prognosis report of a patient’s likelihood of post-injury symptoms occurrence. Other relevant modalities will continue to be assessed.

Explore our Approach
BRAINBox Solutions Blood Collection Icon

Blood Biomarker Panels

We test for a series of specific biomarkers which cover multiple aspects of the impact of an injury. The aim is to incorporate these biomarkers into an objective score, to increase accuracy of diagnosis and prognosis of post-injury outcomes.

BRAINBox Solutions Neurocognitive Testing

Neurocognitive Testing

An easy to use, tablet-based series of validated tools are incorporated into the AI-driven score to provide insights into the functional impact of the injury.

BRAINBox Solutions Point of Care Icon

Point of Care Instrument

Our point of care instrument will utilize advanced detection technology to generate quantitative biomarker measurements with high precision within minutes.

The TBI Evaluation Station™

The TBI Evaluation Station utilizes inputs from a clinical point of care instrument and tablet-based cognitive assessment to drive an AI-based, and easy to read, TBI score.

Watch the video to learn more about our approach.

Meet Frank Peacock MD, FACEP, FACC, FESC

Professor, Vice Chair for Research
Henry JN Taub Department of Emergency Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas

Dr. Peacock is the Principal Investigator of HeadSMART II. He comments on:

• The state of TBI diagnosis and the need to change the current standard of care to improve the outcomes for patients.
• The advances in brain science and prognosis
• The importance of functional and physiologic testing done simultaneously to identify patients that will benefit physicians ability to help with further interventions.

Learn more by visiting ClinicalTrials.gov and using the following identifier: NCT04423198.

Clinical Trial

BRAINBox heads into pivotal trial of concussion diagnostic test with $23M in new funding

A new $23 million in funds gives BRAINBox Solutions Inc. a head start as it begins enrollment in the pivotal clinical trial of its mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) diagnostic and prognostic test.

Learn About Trial

Featured Conferences

15th Annual TBI Conference

DATE: May 5-6, 2025

See Featured Conferences